
$500-$1000 Off Invisalign Treatment.* T&C’s apply.

NEW PATIENT PROMOTION | $500-$1000 Off Invisalign Treatment.* T&C’s apply.

Tooth Extraction

Extract cracked & broken teeth to prevent further damage or pain at our Newstead, Brisbane Studio.

What to consider before extracting your teeth

Extracting a tooth is generally the last resort. So even though you may have pain or other symptoms that relate, it may not be the best solution. However, if you do end up requiring a tooth extraction, it is a fast procedure that allows you to solve the problem very quickly.

What happens in the dental extraction procedure?

Appointment 60 mins – 120 mins for multiple teeth.

It can be a daunting thought to have a tooth removed, sometimes we refer you to our Oral Surgeon colleagues who remove the teeth under General Anaesthesia when you are in hospital. Other times we may prescribe medication for you to take prior to help you through the process.

We will use a local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and area; that way you will feel no pain when we remove the tooth. Contrary to popular myths, teeth are not “ripped out” but gently and firmly rocked out of the socket, this process involves a lot of pressure which you will feel as pressure, not pain.

What to expect after the procedure?

After the tooth is removed ( ready for the tooth fairy) it is important for the blood clot to form and begin the healing process. We often place a healing pack in the socket and this resorbs away as the area heals over the coming days. We also place a sterile gauze pad over the site and have you apply pressure for 30 mins. We will give you some spare sterile gauze which you may require as the anesthetic wears off should the oozing or bleeding persist.

It is very important in the first 24 hours for the blood clot to form and we will instruct you not to rinse the area , suck on straws or consume hot / warm liquids for the next 24 hours so as not to disturb the clot. We also suggest limiting exercise for 24 hours so as to keep your blood pressure low.

Should you have any concerns, please contact the practice .

After your appointment we will prescribe the appropriate pain relief to your situation. We recommend regular application of an ice pack to our face and jaws .

Our favourite Tooth Extraction Before & Afters

Sarah Hallow | 25 years

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

Michael Harris | 31 years

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

Leo Parvani | 28 years

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

Corey Widow | 29 years

*The above photos shows a shallow crossbite correction where the teeth previously pointed inwards causing a small smile and bite complications

Thinking of booking an appointment?
Simply choose a time that suits you!

Smile Studio

Tooth Extractions FAQ's

Saying goodbye to a tooth can be tough- and the decision is never taken lightly.
But should the need arise, whether it’s a wisdom tooth , or four, or a tooth so badly broken it can’t be saved, we will try and make the process painless and forgettable.

Some teeth are removed because they are so infected and broken down they cannot be restored, other times a wisdom tooth may be so poorly positioned it cant be cleaned and we make the recommendation to remove it when you are young, fit and healthy and do it on your terms.

The cost of tooth extraction as a resident in Brisbane would depend on the complexity of the procedure involved. A simple extraction could cost between $200 and $250 per tooth, whilst a surgical extraction could vary between $300 and $400.

There are a number of dental issues that can travel to neighboring teeth and other parts of the mouth if they remain unaddressed. The best way to keep the dental disease or decay from spreading would thus be to remove the compromised tooth entirely. The removal of compromised teeth might therefore be necessary to assure overall oral health. Studies also show that a severely decayed tooth can cause intense discomfort and pain; the extraction of it thus alleviates the patient’s discomfort.


$500-$1000 Off Your New Smile

Get the smile you’ve always dreamed of. For a limited time, Smile Studio Newstead is giving up to $1000 off Invisalign treatment.* Payment plans from $47 p/w.

Limited time only. Offer valid until 31st May, 2024.
*terms and conditions apply.